Level 2, Shop 250 Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre, 270 Canterbury Road Forest Hill, VIC 3131
Hours: 9.00 am - 5.30 Mon-Fri. Sat: 9.00 am - 12.30 pm.

Eye Examinations

We treat our patients with the most careful and individual approach, stylish eye-wear and latest innovations in contact lenses in a relaxed and friendly environment.


A condition in which the clear tissue on the front of the eye (cornea) bulges outward.



Every person will eventually have one or more floaters in their eyes and the majority are harmless.



Pterygiums are triangular overgrowths of the membrane covering the white of the eye called the conjunctiva.


Red Eyes

The red eye is something all of us would have had many times during our lives and the importance of distinguishing a problematic red eye from a...


Retinal Detachments

Most commonly caused by trauma, retinal detachments can lead to irreversible vision loss if not detected and treated early.


Dry Eyes

Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye.


Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration or Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a name given to a group of chronic and degenerative retinal eye diseases.



Glaucoma is a disease that destroys the optic nerve; the connection between our eyes and the brain.



Close to a million Australians have diabetes and many more have yet to be diagnosed.



Commonly misconceived as a film growing over the eye, a cataract is actually a cloudiness that forms in the lens. The cloudiness stops a lot of...


Children’s Vision

Vision is the most important sense with regards to learning and so the importance of good vision can not be stressed highly enough when it comes to our children and their academic and social potential at school. Many children with a lazy eye (amblyopia) do not get diagnosed as they rely on their good eye and often do not complain of poor vision and so parents are often not aware that there is a problem. In many cases of lazy eye, the lazy eye turns in or out indicating that only the good eye is being used. In these cases, glasses as well as patching may be required to correct the turn and improve vision in the lazy eye. The earlier this is diagnosed and treated, the better the prognosis for improving vision and giving the child good use of both eyes (binocular vision). Binocular vision is very important for judging distances and improving co-ordination such as hand-eye coordination.

Commonly, children with vision problems can be easily corrected with glasses, simple exercises or just friendly ergonomic advice.

When should I have my child’s vision assessed?

It is a good idea to have your child’s eyes checked during preschool years (4-5 years) but your child can be assessed at any age; even newborn.

Lens Experts

Our optical dispensers have an excellent knowledge of the latest in spectacle lens innovations and access to the best products on the market. This is particularly important in multifocals where new designs are released regularly and can make a big difference to how well you see. We can offer the best photochromatic, polarized lenses, and anti-reflective coatings available including ‘blue blocking’ filters. Our lens experts individually customize your lens based on your lifestyle to give you the best vision possible.

Myopia Control

Myopia is the next great challenge for optometrists as by 2050 it is predicted that 50% of Australian’s will be myopic. Studies have linked increasing myopia to increased risk of developing eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and retinal detachments. Reducing your child’s myopia will reduce your child’s dependency on glasses or contact lenses as well as providing greater health benefits.

Contact Lenses

MiSight 1Day lenses are a new product from CooperVision that has been shown to effectively slow down the progression of myopia.


Spec Lenses

Myopia control Spectacle lenses – such as MiyoSmart by Hoya, in-corporates innovative multi-focus lens technology to slow down the progression of...


Atropine Drops

Atropine Eye Drops are used as a means of slowing the progression of myopia. Atropine drops are used daily, in conjunction with myopia control...



Ortho-k is one of the most effective methods of slowing down myopia progression.

Our business is wholly owned and run by eye health professionals, including Optical Dispensers and Optometrists. As an independently owned and operated team, we put your eye care and eye health at the heart of all our work.

Independence allows us to source the best spectacle lenses and contact lenses on the market from companies like Hoya and Essilor to give you the best possible vision.

We strive to constantly update our knowledge. Our Optometrists all have over 14 years’ experience and have all undertaken postgraduate training in ocular therapeutics in order to prescribe eye preparations such as anti-glaucoma medications, antibiotics, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.

We can offer glaucoma shared-care in conjunction with your Ophthalmologist, as well as aftercare for cataract and refractive eye surgery.

Our practices are all equipped with state of the art equipment such as Medmont visual field machines and Kowa 3D retinal camera and Optos ultra-widefield

We are one of the few Optometry companies to still employ optical technicians and all our practices have lens edging facilities so glasses can be made up on site.

We donate old glasses to the Lions Club and actively support OGS (Optometry Giving Sight).

We are 100% Australian owned. All taxes and any profits stay in Australia.

Have you had your eyes checked lately?

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